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Using your Voice to Decrease Anxiety


Updated: Feb 9, 2022

Monday morning anxiety healing: how to go from stuck to flow

And how to use your voice to declare, affirm and cement your best decade ever

It could feel like where we are in life

ain't gonna change, right?

But what if incredible joyful change

could and would happen only once we spoke it into being?

What if your brilliant mind has been waiting on you to say:
I AM good at_______,
I know how to________,
I have ________.

And not just say it, but affirm it, declare it and feel it?

Yes, even before it looks possible, only it isn't lying. More that you declare and feel that it is so and it gets to be so!

And not just say it, but affirm it, declare it and feel it?

Yes, even before it looks possible, only it isn't lying. More that you are declare and feeling that it is so and it gets to be so!

In the short training above, at around 4 minutes, I share how to use the power of your voice

to declare,


decide you are having the best decade of your life!

I bet you'll feel the energy of that once I put my hand on my heart and speak it into being!

Because the universe is made up of energy and it loves to receive commands and directions from YOU.

Here's another way you could do this:

What if you took the very thing you feel stuck in these days

  • i keep cleaning instead of working

  • i feel lonely

  • i can't figure out what to do next

and you turned those around with new declarations and affirmations?


For example when I need to make a decision, and can't seem to decide, I pretend I already have made the decision and live in that flow for a bit.

Such as:

  • I have made the best decision!

  • I love making this decision.

  • It is so nice and I feel calm about my choice.

  • This is such an easy decision to make and I'm flowing with it calmly and easily.

  • I know what to do! it's been revealed to me, all important parameters have been clarified, my intuition is super sharp and laser correct about the best outcomes and it has all been revealed and so easy.

  • I am open to receive and see through all aspects of this decision and be guided appropriately!

Including some prayers like:

Hey god spirit universe I'm READY to know what to do about this!? Show me how to do this! Give me the downloads, the new truths, the new beliefs that are aligned with living and creating this change in my life!

Would you be willing to try it out?

In the video you also get my Happy Map, let the world see you happy! Let me know how it

To the power of your voice in creating your best decade ever!


Alixe K. Tracey

Your Best Decade Ever Mentor

PS: I have exercises like these and many more coming up in Voice Flow, my intensive 8 week course to strengthen your throat chakra muscles so you can talk about what you do with confidence, come across as an expert, and show up online to talk about your offers.

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