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Name your Shame And Financial Blocks

Hey extraordinary woman! !

You know that feeling of guilt and shame after you've decided not to give another inch!?

If you're an over-giver, putting up boundaries and saying NO can feel horrible.

And if you're a mom, you know how hard it is to say no to our kids!

We would rather say yes when we mean no because we don't like conflict.

But we both know that does not allow the universe to fully support you because it's simply and absolutely living in fear.

I know it seems to come across as love, but deep down it's fear based.

Fear we won't be approved if we say no.

Fear we won't be safe or even in control unless we give and give and over fucking give.

And when we give out of fear, we call in 'monster/bitchy' mom.

Shame Cycles of Over Givers:

When we hang out for too long in giving mama mode at some point we automatically (and quite unexpectedly) will swing into full on monster mom (or you know, the resentful bitchy mom).

One will always manifest the other.

And the shame cycle starts all over again.

We are good with our diet only to swing back into binge mode.

We are good with our spouses and kids only to swing back into full on bad wife / bad mom.

We make progress on our goals only to fall back into sleeping in and not giving a shit anymore.

We make progress with exercise only to give up and regain the weight.

Under neath it all is shame.

Shame we failed and f'ed up again.

Shame we aren't good enough to receive.

Shame it can't happen for us because we were not good enough with our kids, our diet, our business, our progress.

It's all a bunch of BS - and you can heal this shame based upper limit sabotage.

Here's a check in Love You Monday video I made for the girls in my Super Soul Aligned weekly group.

Asking for big financial goal is one of the best way to call out the shame monsters and live without swinging back and forth

Tell me...

do you feel 'i'm not enough' shame after a binge, after getting up too late to get anything done, after procrastinating, after getting a ticket, after making a mistake or failing at something, anything?

Name your monster.

What makes you feel shame?

I teach women every day how to have shame freedom forever and stop blocking financial flow.

It starts with witnessing, validating and healing that archetype who feels shame and is used to carrying around shame generating beliefs and pursue our willingness to receive ANWAY.

Pretty much, you are gonna need to double down on claiming, affirming, and believing you still get to receive a big scary five-figure (or more) financial goal even when you've made big shame generating mistakes.

We still get to have the money goal even when we f'd up at home, in our relationships, at work, with our goals.

Say it with me:

We still get to receive even when we make mistakes.

Help out a sister by joining us in this conversation:

What do you hear when you think of allowing yourself to receive a big-money goal (make it five figures).

What does your mind tell you? Can you identify where the resistance comes from?

Can you identify if the voice is a power person from your past like a mom/dad / older sibling or a wounded inner child?

If you can do this work, you can heal archetypal sabotage and all the procrastination and resistance that comes with it.

I'm looking forward to reading your comments below or hearing from you in my DMs.

@alixektracey both on fb and insta


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