8 weeks where I laser read your energy weekly to make sure you're channeling your Highest Archetype into your life​
instead of letting lower saboteurs block money, confidence, flow, and freedom.
You get
and some of my best 12 video training on healing sticky recurring emotions,
increase your intuition to make better more profitable decisions
and rewire subconscious beliefs.
This is worth over $12,000 but you get it exclusively for $444/month (cancel or pause after the 2nd month).
Your Competing Archetype:
You may know your 2 most competing archetypes but most don't even see it.
They simply go from one end to the other feeling exhausted by the constant inner battle and mostly their life is completely stuck.
Read below how my client manifested a TV interview within days of doing this archetype work with me.
The problem:
You want to focus on your business but your inner Mother Archetype (Betty Homemaker) wants to keep you at home with the kiddos.
When you think of working on your business you find yourself cooking and cleaning or thinking of what to get for the kids or the family instead.
You are overqualified to offer your services but a nagging inner critic tells you it's not enough and you can't show up as you are.
If you are ready to live without sabotage, procrastination, guilt, and imposter syndromes, keep on reading sista!
Watch the video
All about Super Soul Aligned
The only place where I laser read your energy weekly in a private group and offer Archetype Readings
If anything is stuck, together we'll pinpoint it quickly so you can be on your way to manifesting with greater ease and flow.
(see the success stories from my previous clients below)
I'll give you weekly super clear messages to make sure you're listening to the Highest Vibe Archetype and not a low victimizing archetype.
Includes energy healing session
and discounts on my 1:1 private sessions.
I see, read, and hear all energies in seconds.
It IS for you if:
You KNOW there's more to you than meet the eye
but you can’t quite put your finger on it
you KNOW you have chakras and you should probably clean them
or activate them or
whatever it is that spiritual woo woo people say you should do
but again
WHERE do you even begin?
You wish you were more efficient at using your potential
you can feel it
it’s right there
so close
and yet
it feels like a mountain to climb.
Girl, You are absolutely right.
There is so much more to you than you are currently tapping into.
And you know it. I know it. We all know it.
The only part you're wrong about is the mountain.
For 13 years I have turned that mountain
into a molehill for women
(and yes men, I know you're there)
who just like you
were itching to remember who they really were.
Beyond every day
routine of having to do as they felt obligated to do
they wanted to break free
and discover this power within.
so they came to my earth angels in training parties.
and discovered their wings
their healing abilities
and their intuition.
And sort of never looked back.

It IS true.
There really is a magical part inside you.
You really do have wings
You really have superpowers.
And now would be a good time to tap into them
with all the crazy happening
I think it's time to
STOP pretending
you're just human

Meditating with Angels
My first meditation album released in 2010.
Let's also talk about the parts that make us all very human.
sticky recurring feelings
like anger
I know.
Wishing you didn’t feel so reactive to people and situations?
I know.
It sucks to feel triggered at the most unexpected freaking time just when you were having a good day!
I lived most of my life with triggers, constant triggers until I realized they were messengers.
I know
Looks like the emotional body never figured out how to send text messages
or email
email would be nice
not screaming or sobbing uncontrollably in the car
or on the way to work - like - when I totally forgot to put on waterproof mascara.
I am just like you
A recovering over-giving nice girl, who didn't want to receive in order to fit in with the archetype that nice girls don't take a lot of room and are quiet and do as they are told.
yes it makes my rebel come out even more and swinging from one to the other extreme is long term sabotage.
I took theater and voice coaching in order to get over my thick French accent.
I felt so inadequate and never good enough to be loved or to be seen so I spent days (weeks) hiding in my apartment (It is still a huge effort to get out there and be visible but I figured out how to do it that works with ease).
Something happened.
I had a kundalini rising experience (which pretty much means I got woken up)
It was in Los Angeles at an event where we have to sit all day on the floor chanting and meditating with our legs crisscrossed apple sauce and the next thing I knew I could read chakras, see auras, and channel divine beings. Don't worry I have been raising my son solo for 9 years and he's still alive ;) It's not all that cray-cray.
I came to realize soon after, that I always could and always had been doing this but didn't know what to call it.
I needed someone to show me I could and it would be safe.
Fast forward, my voice is now one of my healing superpowers and I have been a full-time healer for 13 years.
And my life is pretty sweet...
I live in the beautiful South of France either in Provence or by the water on the French Riviera.
I self-published 5 ebooks
2 meditation albums available on iTunes and amazon
I once manifested 22 clients in one week in Paris.
I call in clients anywhere I am in the world.
I took my practice online 7 years ago and had no issues continuing to earn just as I always had.
I had my first 5 figure weekend in 2011 when I was 9 months pregnant leading my first certification course at 27!
I've had 5 figure sales repeatedly since.
and I had my first mastermind also hit 5 figures right away.
And I manifested 6 figures 3 times without having to work for it (come on, it is the best when the universe just hands you money).
Money, energy, solutions
it’s all really easy when you’re aligned.
The key though is alignment.
Not with anyone or anything.
But with your own superpower.
Ok, your superpower is not some mysterious thing you need to go find somewhere.
I've had clients with a full-time salary job manifest unexpected five-figure bonuses, connect to Christ and channel the light for their kiddos.
They still got up the next day to go to their desk job and their wings didn't show.
Only their kiddo was healthier and happier.
You can do light work, manifest with ease, and still watch the super bowl, have sex, and shave your legs (maybe just change the order).
and that we can only do when we've dealt with
bad boy number 1:
bad boy number 2
There is always a force trying to get your attention to help you align.
Do you feel it?
The nagging discomfort.
The irritation.
The unhappiness?
Girl, that's your intuition trying to help you.
Remember it doesn't have text messages or email so it uses your emotions or your body to talk to you.
If you listen it backs off
If you don't
the alarm gets louder.
Until you get the messages any other way, that's what it does.
And the sooner you retreat to treat your heart, the sooner you'll have freedom from triggers and other painful bodily messengers.
So triggers I can easily show you how to get past them.
Now about the subconscious saboteurs.
It's the inner voice who says:
give more
you're not enough
who do you think you are
you'll never make it
I'm so alone
no one loves me
I'll never make it
No one sees me
This launch is going to flop
I don't know what to do
I don't know what I'm doing.
No one will pay this price!
Each of these 'voices' isn't you.
Sub-personalities who want to block you from achieving your dream, changing your life, and becoming the person you would be proud of.
The over giver often battles with the ultra-independent hustler in all of us. ​
And together, through weekly live calls on zoom and some powerful pre-recorded training videos, I'll show you how to have freedom for good and be a magnetic visible high vibe therapist, healer, coach.
The only reason you're reading this page today is that I had a 1:1 chat with my saboteur (the romantic dreamer who doesn't want me to work but only love and play) and made him a very important promise.
Otherwise, I would have been cleaning the windows or headed to the beach ( never mind it’s February and it’s cold, I’d still find a reason NOT to work and NOT to launch).
Trust me if you decide to join us in this training you won’t ever have to worry about getting your heart or your business hijacked by a low vibrational archetype ever again.
we’re about to let the tide rise
it’s alignment time

Pay with a credit card below:
> Weekly live group zoom calls starting the week of February 22nd (Worth $444)
> Weekly alignment readings to make sure you're on track with your purpose. (Worth $444)
> 12 Keep Forever video training (Worth $6,000)
> a supportive sisterhood in a FB group. Priceless!
One Low Monthly Price $444*
Cancel or Pause after the 2nd month
& Comeback when you need it
What you get:
Weekly Energy Readings
Only 6 Spots left!
1-2 video training per week
on either Emotion, Energy (intuition) and
Archetypes (Subconscious)
Here's one short example of an energy reading

Bonus #1 (Worth $1200)
12 Guided angel 'Light Filled' meditations to super-boost your intuition.
Bonus #2
The 3 Jars Meditation (Priceless!)
Trust the universe is always filling up your 3 jars every day which contains your need for approval, control, and security.
Subconscious Saboteurs
and you’ll know how to interview your different subconscious archetypes to get them to stop sabotaging your progress and your flow (once you know how to do this, you’ll be able to do it for every area of your life).
Pretty much you are about to get massively upgraded so being your true self
without the imposter syndromes
the procrastinator
the wounded inner child
the judge
the doubter
hijacking your heart and mind.
What you’ll be able to achieve without all of that in the way!?
Absolute flipping ALIGNED Magic.
And by the time you're done
you still will shave your legs, have sex and be able to watch the super bowl.
No one will know.
But we will.
We'll know you woke up and your light is shining more brightly.

Bonuses: (Worth $50)
Root Chakra Meditation Album
and Meditating with Angels

Get better sleep than you ever have before
Cleans up rooms of low energies even when you aren't there
Helps you feel more connected all day long
Cleans up chakras of adults, children and even pets
Uplifting Angelic Guidance
"This is such an amazing CD! I have experienced Alixe's live meditations and this is just as magical and healing. My life has changed tremendously in the past year, creating much uncertainty that really affected my first chakra with much fear. As I rebuild my foundation, this Root Chakra Meditation really helped to connect me back with Love, Mother Earth, and the Safety of the Angels and Spirit. Thank you Alixe for your uplifting Angelic guidance and light!
Chritina Amb. Las Vegas NV USA

> Weekly live group zoom calls starting the week of February 22nd (Worth $444)
> Weekly alignment readings to make sure you're on track with your purpose. (Worth $444)
> 12 Keep Forever video training (Worth $6,000)
> a supportive sisterhood in a FB group. Priceless!
One Low Monthly Price $444*
Cancel or Pause after the 2nd month
& Comeback when you need it
Secure Order Form - 100% Protected and Safe

If you are unhappy for absolutely ANY reason at all you will get a full refund within 24 hours.
"Couldn't be happier with my purchase"
I wanted to let you know that I bought your meditation cd and I have never listened to a meditation quite like yours. I felt like I had taken a trip to heaven for an hour! It was amazing and I cannot wait to listen to it everyday!
- Ann Z, Santa Barbara, CA

Alixe Kathleen Tracey is the real thing.
I have worked with a lot of healers and she is very clearly connected. Alixe is not only able to connect with angels and guides, but she also clearly explains the process and she is very open to direct the session in a way that is most helpful to a client.
I have had great results in a very short period of time working with her. I highly recommend working with her.
Robert Richman, Keynote speaker