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Copy of Copy of intuition 1 (15)_edited.

"I know I've got something great to sell but I can't sell it! 

Selling makes me feel sleazy and sick to my stomach.

I feel so afraid of rejection and judgment like I'm never good enough."


says... almost every heart-centered woman about sales



Dear Extraordinary Woman,

if selling feels hard,

if discovery calls have been dreadful,

you are not the only one.


I too used to feel sick at the end, 

when I would have to say my price, 

and hear the usual, "no, I can't afford that." 


I was raising a small boy by myself

without family nearby

leaving him at the nanny all day long

unsure if any of my work would lead to 

any clients.

It was heart breaking.

The thought of continuing like this

into total and absolute burnout

meant I had to do something. 


This was in 2015.


Through clear intention setting,

I was able to manifest

my way into a very high-end program

with a coach 

where I learned the most amazing way to sell

exactly what I wanted to sell - 

my own services, organically. 


I learned how to package

my gifts and offer them

and feel the amazing

approval of having 

humans purchase my services. 


But after my package ended with that coach

I lost the confidence to sell without her by my side. 


So I prayed and meditated

and realized the same 3 steps

I did every time worked to  

 attract perfect clients

and get them to sign up, 

no matter the price.


I sold a five-figure package

paid in full

using my heart

without an uber-expensive business coach. 

I was so freaking proud of myself. 


I had created my own

Sales Angel Heart System. 



My selling ability has been through the roof. 

And the women I taught this too, 

also ended up selling out their programs. 


D in Vegas went from selling one-off sessions, 

to selling out her program in 2 weeks! 


So if you too, feel you've got something great to sell, 

but can't sell it, because

selling is a stressful word

and you don't want to spend the summer

on discovery calls and hear a no at the end, 

then guess what!


You're about to change your life

Your kid's life

Your husband's life too perhaps

And especially your future clients' lives! 



So this December 

Learn, Practice and Master

My Sales Angel Heart System 

so you can stop making those costly selling mistakes, 

attract better buyers

who are happy to work with you

and hang out with your kiddos

a much richer & happier mama! 


You'll learn how to sell high-end programs on the phone

effortlessly without wanting to puke or throw the phone

into the pool. 




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Can I be real with you

before you scroll down

to see the price?


You have the most amazing certifications

but if selling is uncomfortable to you 

and you don't know how 

to shine during discovery calls

all the certifications

you got won't matter. 


The people who should

benefit from your work won't be able 

to and your kid(s) will have spent that hour with a nanny for no good reason.


And that breaks my heart

because I've been there, 

feeling trapped selling one-off sessions

or feeling worthless 

after hearing too many nos. 


So I decided to 

change that. 


The good news is selling is like a magical recipe. You only need very few ingredients because in sales, less is more. 


By learning the same

3 Step

in my Sales Angel Heart System,

you will realize 

it's easier to sell a high-end package

then it is to sell a one-off session. 


Your heart will be ready

to attract,

hold space for

and lead a beautiful human

into making a powerful choice:

to work with you.


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Arch of Triumph
Arch of Triumph
Copy of Copy of intuition 1 (15)_edited.


Sales conversation

"Discovery Calls"

can be the most sacred

and wonderful part of your business, hands down.


They can be inspiring, 

they can be so revealing,

and they can change your heart. 


Your heart has the power 

to move people

into their greatness

during a disovery call. 


The vibe your bring

the voice you bring

the heart you bring

will determine if the person

feels safe to work with you. 

And at what level they do. 


If you believe that sales are 

sleazy, they will attract people 

who think your offers aren't for them. 


But if you believe sales are sacred,

and have the power to save lives,

you will attract

amazing beautiful clients

every time. 





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With my Sales Angel Heart System, you will have the opportunity to ascend into a higher calibration, one where you can more easily meet the version of you who leans back during discovery calls,

feels taken care of,

and just gets to relax as it unfolds. 


You will name, price and sell your most aligned package. 


You will also get: 


> The high vibe script I use during discovery calls that has excellent conversation rate for packages anywhere from $1500 to $50,000 packages. 


> The 12 mistakes to avoid during sales conversations most heart-centered women miss. 


> How to use your feminine intuitive heart to lean into what the person needs, and sell her into what she needs with ease. #winwin. 


But most importantly you need someone whose been there and knows when you are going to want to stop and hide because it feels scary. Someone who can hold your hand in a group of empathic heart centered women. 


All calls will be live on zoom at different times to allow everyone to participate from different time zones. 


Recordings will be available right away in the FB group. 




I've already taken sales training, but need to figure out how to price my packages and what to incude in the, will this course help me with that? 

This is unlike any sales training out there, because it isn't a sales training, it is the activation of your sales angel heart.  You will learn how to lean back into your feminine heart so much that the most intelligent part of you, the most intuitive part of you calls in the ideal clients AND knows how to invite them into your group program while on the discovery call. 

You will listen, hold space, validate, and together you will create your package, your price, your content either while on the phone with the person - that's sacred intuitive selling.

You will learn to show up without an agenda in mind, just spacious for the most potent intuitive truth to come through. 


You have access to the modules right away (unless you're on a payment plan, then they will be dripped). Live calls are included once a month or more until everyone's questions are answered.  The exact times and dates will depend on the energetic transmission but the vibe will be strong and high and all about stepping into something greater. 

Is this learn on your own DIY? 

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I troubleshoot sales and revenue for clients for a living.

I put everything I've seen work in the last 15 years  to unblock money and sales* into these 2 bonuses:

The energetics of Sales and Sales Medicine 

18 extra modules which include how to go from Looking to Finding by quantum leaping and collapsing time, and making sure your cells are used to you being a finder and not a looker anymore. 

*it's highly recommended you also do Success Queen to get your subconscious saboteurs out of the way of your sales magic. 

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If you have questions, book a time to chat with Alixe here  

You can read more about the course here. 

Alixe K. Tracey does not make any claims of can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. You recognize and agree that we have made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future prospects or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Alixe K. Tracey products, and that we have not authorized any such projection, promise, or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings.


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