Hi Extraorindary Woman
Let's end the costly
over giving
and undercharging
the anxiety around visibility
and talking
about your prices
The world needs your love and light
not your sweat and tears.
As a Success Block Buster and my 15th year in business as an energy healer and business psychic, I work 1:1 with badass spiritual business women to find and fire the deep roots of their success sabotages quickly and efficiently using a framework that's been proven with hundreds of women over a decade.
A 6-week journey is starting November 2022 with the following intention and you're invited! ​
Alixe Kathleen Tracey
Is this you?
The profile of how an OverGiver
self sabotages success
It may show up as procrastination but deeper there’s a survival mechanism.
💕You have a big heart and you love to give.
But you give without limits.
💕You grew up feeling responsible for others around you - as if you came in to care for others more than for yourself.
Receiving is hard. At times.
💕You notice you need to receive when you’ve hit rock bottom, burn out or are deep in resentment.
💕You may end up in relationships with people (friends family spouses) where you carry the load and at times that’s ok because it helps you feel safer. At least you don’t have to rely on anyone else.
This though blocks spirit from fully coming in to give you well-deserved assistance and flow.
💕Knowing your true life purpose is hard when you’ve let so much of other people come first before you.
💕 You struggle to focus on getting things done for your business and you procrastinate. You find that if no one is directly asking you for something you spin and feel scattered.
💕 You can’t find your niche because you want to help everybody and since your messaging gets lost online you feel depleted.
💕You wish you could protect your energy better at work and get a better handle on your emotions that spill over to ruin your creativity. Emotions make you exhausted.
💕 Money is not coming in regularly. It’s about giving more than receiving for you anyway... yes but ... you’re feeling trapped by this archetype... it’s getting old and doesn’t help with the anxiety and stress.
💕At work saying no is a challenge. You don't speak up for yourself and instead, keep things in.
Here’s the root of this pattern and archetype:
➤It comes from having learned early on, I'm safe and I'm seen when I help and when I don't take too much room.
➤ My needs aren't important. I don't feel safe unless I stop listening to what I want and instead focus on doing what others around me ask me to do.
➤ In regressions, I've seen my client's inner child stop loving themselves and stopped desiring to live their life fully because they felt they were a nuisance or took too much room. So they made themselves small and kept to themselves. This could show up as apathy and depression later in life.
➤ We are happy if we are being of service.
Yes, but we are also living a smaller life than perhaps we are meant to live.
➤ We feel disempowered and our go-to beliefs are:
- I’ll do it later
- Other things are more important I need to do today for my kids and family.
- I’ll never make it so what’s the point
- apathy
- grief
And sometimes peaks of anger and resentment
➤ Breaking through the income plateau feels really hard.
You are stuck between staying an employee and starting your own business and keep going back and forth between the two.
➤You make progress with your dream and your vision and go back to what’s familiar: Doing things for free and doing things for others.
➤ Passive income is hard to create even if you've tried for years.
➤ You keep giving away your work or charge too little to make it work.
I know this may resonate with you and it did for many of us.
Thankfully, underneath these learned survival mechanisms is a beautiful intuitive powerful woman who can make her life work so much better with more balance, boundaries, and subconscious/mindset work.
If this speaks to you, welcome to the club because well I’m in the club too and I know how you feel.
You are loved and worthy of receiving more ease even when you aren’t over giving and the last on the totem pole.
If you feel like you quickly
➤ self efface
➤ struggle to ask and receive what others seem to receive so easily
➤ grew up in a chaotic home where you often felt unsafe or pressured to perform or you wouldn't be loved.
➤ struggle feeling enough or worthy
Then this 6 weeks full immersion journey is for you.
so you can create a life you are proud of
without feeling so afraid of making a mistake or lacking approval.
In the course, you'll learn to use my unique framework which mixes intuitive energy healing of sticky recurring emotions and powerful subconscious rewiring recordings you'll be able to use to find the root cause and the reason for the success sabotages and finally free yourself forever.
My Success Block BusterFramework​
3 Pillars:
1. Emotions
➤Learn to clear and release sticky recurring patterns of thoughts and emotions
You'll learn how to release the fears of lacking approval, control, and safety that blocks flow and intuition in your business.
When negative emotions decrease, awareness and intuition increases.
2. Intuition &Awareness
➤Total bird's eye view on limiting energies and patterns to shift them.
➤Profitability in business and niches and offers
➤Tune into goals and blocks to clear them
➤Learn to read energy (if you want to).
3. Subconscious rewiring
➤ Powerful subconscious rewiring sessions to stop the patterns of the self-effacing obliger archetype. So you can
➤ Stop feeling so afraid of failure and overcome procrastination.
➤ Meet your own expectations and feel excited to be seen and show up to boost your career.
➤Really believe in yourself and have strong self-esteem.
➤ Find and remove money and receiving blocks
Week 1:
Dehabitualize Apathy, Grief, Fear, Anxiety.
2 live calls to de-habitualize sticky recurring feelings together live. I'll show you 4 different techniques to do this with some powerful homework to get ready and keep going with a partner within our sisterhood. We will get you to feel 'love or above' energy and make that what's familiar for you deep on a cellular level.
side effects? clarity about your brand and your business!
Week 2:
Subconscious Mindset
2 calls to unmask the unique sabotage of your over giver/maid archetype in your business (I listed a ton on the post below, we will focus on the ones YOU uniquely feel are the biggest problem). If you can't find your niche or other blocks to success, this is where you'll unmask them and delete them.
This will install original innate self-love and self-worth so you can meet deadlines for your vision and your dreams to come true. And not just to please others.
You will be able to launch a niched offer (finally) without having a niched business (there's a trick).
Week 3:
High Vibe Scripts and The Clearing Statement
2 calls to script a new beautiful blueprint and create a successful imprint.
This is short but very very very important to do. Without this installed and recorded our mind will pull back an older blueprint to go off and it's usually not a fun one.
I'll give you over 5 high vibe scripts for manifesting and calling in the ideal business, how you feel about showing up online, how you are on sales calls and when you have to send emails... how to call in your ideal client, how to feel more energized and so much more.
Jill Murwin
Week 4:
Goals and Blocks
2 live calls
Goal setting and finding patterns of resistance
this is where I'll show you how to call things in with your heart and your energy and we go in to find and intuitively feel blocks in your energy field.
I like doing it on money goals so most likely we will clear on calling in an amount of money into your life. I've had students call in $10k and get it that week, it happens a lot
and when you have to send emails... how to call in your ideal client, how to feel more energized and so much more.
Surprise Follow Up:
You'll be invited to continue this healing & manifesting to dive deeper into uncovering your business saboteurs and how to call in business using your heart chakra.
Week 5
Angel Messages
2 Live Calls for Integration and Angel Messages / Guidance / Readings
Week 6
Q&A Hot Seat
2 Live Calls for Q&A
Alixe Kathleen Tracey is the real thing.
I have worked with a lot of healers and she is very clearly connected. Alixe is not only able to connect with angels and guides, but she also clearly explains the process and she is very open to directing the session in a way that is most helpful to a client.
I have had great results in a very short period of time working with her. I highly recommend working with her.
Robert Richman, Keynote speaker
One more thing...
We got used to making ourselves small and smaller to avoid strong and often masculine parental figures from making us feel shame and unworthiness.
Whether it was constant nagging from a parent or never doing things right or being bullied and abused emotionally verbally and physically we stopped trusting ourselves.
We stopped feeling we were worthy of receiving and even having wishes and desires.
That energy is what keeps a powerful healer/therapist/coach creative soul from stepping out and saying "I CAN HELP YOU. I'm here to help you."
It is that energy - that old vibe blocking you from showing up on Facebook Lives- I am here to help you transmute forever.
yes, we will cry.
yes, we will release the trapped emotions we've memorized because there was no one there to hug us and help us through it when we were traumatized as children over and over and over and over again.
But now there's me. there's you. there's this group and there's you the adult who can show up for that little girl and help her now.
You are needed. By the world. By your children. By your clients.
Let's give your heart access to your voice again so it can speak the truth.
✵Your voice is your power.
✵No one gets to bully you anymore.
✵No one gets to tell you not to do something.
✵If you've internalized that critical voice, we are going to generate enough energy to kick it out of the way and replace it with an internal loving cheerleader so showing up at events and online will feel super easy.
Not that long ago I was afraid to speak English or ask for anything.
Not that long ago I was terrified to call a friend on the phone if I had to talk to their parents.
I am still terrified to go see my son's school teacher.
But I can sell 5 figure packages on the phone.
I can do talks at events in front of people.
Because I work with the light and I clear the fears and the anxiety and I call things in and delete the blocks.
The stuff I will teach you.
✵Just because we have a wounded inner child does not mean we don't have a gift to share and we aren't meant to share it.
✵Just because there are limiting money beliefs does not mean we can't have a life of ease and flow.
I live by the water and I've already gotten my ski pass with ease (and a major unexpected discount) and yesterday, a random nice guy who looks like Santa Clauss gave my son a free scooter (story to come in a bit).
Learn to manifest an ideal life because you deserve it.