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Your $10k Magic Portal

Often Wanting a Money Goal

can mean we realize we don't have it and makes us feel lack, instead of full. 


In this audio, learn to tune into the want for $10k to manifest

feel the attachment and the

fears of lacking approval/control/safety (the 3 success blocks)


Release the lack

And tune back into the same desire without attachment or "poverty vibes"


Two women who did this call live with me on Thursday had the $10k in their accounts on Saturday!*

I'll post the texts they sent me that week shortly.  

It worked for me, it worked for them, it can work for you. 

But let go of wanting it to work for you. 

Love and desire receiving it, but not from lack, because you'll have cleared it all up. 

$10k Magic is something I learned over a decade ago. 


It's the reason I was able to take several months off after having my son. 


I could stay home and literally just sleep, breastfeed, eat and do whatever I wanted. 


I had made $10,000 in 48 hours selling a weekend retreat to 9 women and 1 man. 

It was $997 and 10 of them came and all paid in full. 


Was it by chance?


I had been actively 'clearing' oppositions to receiving it with ease

and all 'attachments' to receiving it with ease. 


I had learned to 'let go' of the want for control, safety, and approval, and one morning, while I was 8 months full of baby belly, I felt the money had already come to me. 


It was visceral - 'I have it' 

It's here. 


Mind you I still only had $2500 to my name and a baby due in 30 days, but I felt the money was already mine after I cleared all attachments and oppositions to receiving it. 


Then a few days go by and I have the download to teach another weekend of my Healing Dove Therapy certification course. 


I send the email. 

One email. 

10 people all said yes. 


Had I not 'cleared' my limiting beliefs around the money goal, I wouldn't have had the emotional space or the intuition to 'hear the guidance or believe it was possible. 


It didn't make sense. 


The first and only time I had run that certification course, only 4 people had come. 


But six months had come and gone, I was still pregnant, but now I had been clearing on an amount I was ready to receive. 


Of course, once it worked, I decided to do it again for $100,000. ​

And within six months, through some unknown real estate sale and insurance, I got it. 


This tool works when you work it. 


It works better if you're doing it in a group with sisters helping you clear back and forth with each other.


I currently have a small group of ladies doing it regularly and manifesting ​some really fun wins along the way.



Next Level Freedom Party: ​

If you would like a weekly support group + my eyes on your blocks to help you move past them (especially subconscious saboteurs) + the WhatsApp group with everyday support, just send me a DM on Instagram or book a time to have me read your energy and chat with you about your $10k win or/and $100k win. 






Alixe K. Tracey makes no guarantee of financial gains. This audio is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not financial advice in any way. Alixe K. Tracey cannot guarantee that you will manifest the money with this one audio alone. ​




Your Best Decade Mentor

For 13 years, women in my circle have trained their intuition to do soul-aligning healing in order to manifest more abundance, joy, and freedom. It's not too late to have your best decade ever! ​


1:1 Complimentary 

Let's Kickstart Your Most Abundant Decade Ever

How to have your best decade yet even with the worst problems (abusive boss, burnout, debt, depression, divorce). There's nothing we can't fix! I'll give you a step-by-step blueprint to keep you on the receiving end of life's miracles. >


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Alixe K. Tracey

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